The hips don’t lie…

✨Hip work can be challenging but hugely rewarding, both physically and emotionally. 

✨The benefits of opening up the hips include improved range of motion, increased circulation as well as decreased back pain. Releasing tension in the hips can also create an amazing shift in energy levels through the body as the hips are well known for storing negative emotions and feelings. When life gets tough and the nervous system is compromised, it is said that we engage our emotional muscles and tighten the hips!

✨Whatever the cause, tight hips mean a tight lower back, leading to a whole host of other problems. The psoas muscle is likely to shorten making it much harder to sit, walk, stand and participate in a range of physical activities. 

✨Spending a little time each week to stretch your hips can be surprisingly transformational! Keep an eye out for a hip opener flow coming soon.😊


Date night!


Yoga. It’s more about the journey…