Grow your tree!

🌳Grow your tree this weekend to find strength and stability! 

🌳Tree pose or Vrksasana has many benefits from helping to relieve stress and inner tension to improving focus, concentration and strength. 

🌳Balancing postures invite us to tune into the present moment, offering a full body experience! Come without judgement 💛

🌳Stand with your feet together, inner ankles and inner knees touching. Spread the toes and root down into the four corners of the feet. Find a straight line of energy through the centre of the body. Zip up through the midline from the pelvic floor. 

🌳Bring your hands into your heart space in Anjali Mudra. Keep rooting down into your feet. Find something steady to focus your gaze on ahead of you. 

🌳Shift your weight into your right foot and bend your left knee lifting the left foot from the ground. Draw the knee up towards the chest. Keep the spine long. 

🌳With your left hand, reach down and clasp your left ankle. Place the sole of the foot on the inner right thigh (or if this doesn’t feel good today, place the sole of the foot against the inner part of the right lower leg (avoid the inner knee area) - you could even rest the toes of the floor for support and have the sole of the foot pushing gently into the inner ankle of the right foot. Lots of options 😉).

🌳Keep lengthening your tailbone down to the ground.

🌳Smile and breath. 

🌳Keep pressing your left foot into the inner thigh and your right thigh into your foot to help maintain your midline and hips shining to the front of the room. Hug in the lower ribs, firm through the legs and core. 

🌳Stay here for a while. Swaying trees 100% welcome! Release after a few breaths and repeat on the other side. Notice how you feel in your mind and body 💚🌱🍂


‘Wherever life plants you, bloom with grace’ - old French proverb.


Struggling to switch off?